18.1.5. opal_wrapper

opal_wrapper - Back-end Open MPI wrapper command DESCRIPTION

opal_wrapper is not meant to be called directly by end users. It is automatically invoked as the back-end by the Open MPI wrapper commands such as: mpicc, mpicxx, and mpifort (and its legacy/deprecated aliases mpif77 and mpif90).

Some Open MPI installations may have additional wrapper commands, and/or have renamed the wrapper compilers listed above to avoid executable name conflicts with other MPI implementations. Hence, you may also have wrapper compilers installed including the following names: mpifort.openmpi (and the legacy/deprecated aliases mpif90.openmpi and mpif77.openmpi), mpicxx.openmpi, mpicc.openmpi.

See also

The following may exist depending on your particular Open MPI installation: mpicc(1), mpicxx(1), mpifort(1)